Title: RET on Blood Glucose Profile and Obesity of a Type II Diabetic Treated with Insulin Therapy

Author: Dr S.S.Subramanian

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.92


Reduction of obesity and an improved glycemic control on a type II diabetic subject getting treated with insulin with resisted exercises remains the major outcome of this 3 months study. Also the quality of life improves with betterment of musculoskeletal ailments associated with diabetes.

Keywords: NIDDM – Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, RET – Resisted Exercises Training, ACSM – American College of Sports Medicine, FBS – Fasting Blood Sugar, PPBG – Post Prandial Blood Glucose, Physioball – An Air Inflated Ball of 55cm.



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Corresponding Author

Dr S.S.Subramanian

M.P.T (Orthopaedics), M.S (Education), M. Phil (Education), Ph.D (Physiotherapy)

The Principal, Sree Balaji College Of physiotherapy, Chennai – 100

Affiliated To (Bharath) University, BIHER, Chennai – 73

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