Title: Accessory Spleen in the Scrotum- A Rare Case Report

Authors: Dr Dharmraj Meena, Dr Pratik Porwal, Dr R.S.Meena

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i9.10


An Accessory spleen (supernumerary spleen, splenule or splenungulus) is asmall nodule of splenic tissue found apart from the main body of the spleen. Accessory spleen in scrotum is an extremely rary condation. We describe an unusual case of left scrotal swelling by accessory spleen in a10 years –old boy.the pt underwent a laprotomy with excision of accessory spleen. Accessory spleen should be considered in the differential diagnosis of scrotal swelling. Here we are reporting about a rare case of accessory spleen in the scrotum.

Keyword: Accessory spleen, scrotal swelling, splenogonadal fusion



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Corresponding Author

Dr Dharmraj Meena

Assistant Professor in General Surgery

Govt Medical College, Kota, Rajasthan, India