Title: Incidence of Proprioceptive Deficits in Recurrent Lateral Ankle Sprain Among Young Adults

Authors: Rasika Panse, Himanshu Pathak, Ujwal Yeole

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i11.70


Background: Recurrent Lateral ankle sprains results to poorer ankle proprioception that has higher risk of ankle injury. Ankle injuries often lead to disruption of muscles and tendons with associated damage to inherent mechanoreceptors, which detrimentally alter the quality of proprioception required for balance control.

Aim and Objectives: To study the incidence of proprioceptive deficits in recurrent lateral ankle sprain in young adults using Modified Rhomberg’s test/ Single leg stance test (Eyes Open and Eyes Closed) and joint position sense by goniometric evaluation.

Methodology: Total 30 subjects fulfilling inclusion criteria were selected randomly, informed Consent was obtained. Modified Rhomberg test/ single leg stance test was performed affected and unaffected extremity, duration for which subjects can perform the test is noted. Second test was goniometric evaluation for joint position sense (JPS) of ankle for affected and unaffected extremity was documented and subjected for data analysis.

Results: the study included15 males 15 females in study with mean Age24+ 4.651. Modified Rhomberg test/ single leg stance test with eyes open ( p=0.000) and eyes closed ( p=0.000 ), Joint position sense ( p=0.000) was statistically significant  when compared from affected to unaffected extremity using Student t test.

Conclusion: Study concludes that there is incidence of proprioceptive deficits in recurrent Lateral ankle sprain in young adults.

Keywords: Modified Rhomberg test, Joint Position Sense, Proprioceptive deficits, Recurrrent Lateral ankle Sprain.


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Corresponding Author

Rasika Panse

Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashta, India

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