Title: Assessment of Socio Demographic Factors and Maternal Characteristics Associated with Low Birth Weight among New Born in Central Hospital, Arar, Saudiarabia

Authors: Dr Heba Ahmed Osman, Mrs Deepa Jothirajan, Mrs Chithra Thanganadar

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i11.56


A nonexperimental descriptive correlational study was undertaken on puposely selected low birth weight newborn in central hospital Arar with an objective to assess the sociodemographic and maternal characteristics associated with low birth weight among newborn by assessing the percentage of low birth weight newborn in relation to their sociodemographic and maternal characteristics.


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Corresponding Author

Mrs Deepa Jothirajan

Lecturer, Obstetrics and Gynecological Department, Northern Border University, Arar, Saudiarabia,

Mobile no: 00966553059971