Title: Identification Functional Group on Medicin Plants Using FTIR Spectrometry

Authors: Diana Julaidy Patty, Grace Loupatty, Grivit Anakotaparry

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i11.49


Has done research on the analysis of functional groups on medicinal plants for the treatment of malaria and diarrhea treatment using FTIR spectroscopy. Analysis of the functional groups of samples of malaria drugs, namely dried papaya leaves and unripe papaya leaves, and plant samples diarrhea, which  guava leaves and dried tea leaves which analyzes the spectrum is adjusted for the correlation table Absorbance IR. Identification of the spectrum of medicinal plants for sampling malaria medications (drugs chloroquine and leaves of papaya) and diarrhea (drug Diapet, guava leaves, and the leaves of the tea) shows that there is a nitro group (N - O), a wavelength of 1550 cm-1, ketone (C = O), a wavelength of 1650 cm-1, hydrogen (OH), the wavelength of 2350 to 2450 cm-1 with a stretching vibration, while the fifth sample of diarrhea medicine containing the nitro group (N - O), aldehyde (C = O) and (C = C) aromatic. Based on the research results, the spectrum of medicinal plant raw papaya has a bonding force is nearly equal to the malaria drugs, while on medicinal plants tea leaves have a bonding group is nearly equal to cure diarrhea.

Keywords: FTIR, bond cluster, leaf papaya, guava leaves, leaf tea.


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Corresponding Author

Diana Julaidy Patty

Solid State Physics Laboratory-Department of Physics University of Pattimura,

PO Box 97233 Ambon, Moluccas Indonesia

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