Title: Influencing Factors of Retinopathy among the Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients – Binary Logistic Regression approach

Authors: R.Christuraja, Prof. M.K.Ravichandran

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.44


Retinopathy is a damage caused to the retina of human eyes. The retina would develop lack of the power to reflect the objects of the vision due to development of retinopathy. The literature shows that there is a differential occurrence of retinopathy between diabetic and non diabetic individuals.  For these differences, factors such as age, hypertension, serum lipid levels, HbA1C, smoking etc, are documented to be influencing the incidence and the progression of retinopathy. The results of this comparative and descriptive study with a total of 200 persons including 100 diabetic and 100 non diabetic retinopathy patients selected through systematic random sampling among those who were attending Aravind Eye Care Hospital, Puducherry, using Hosmer and Lemeshow tests and binary logistic Regression equation analysis indicate that Diastolic Bp, LDL, gender of the person, duration of hypertension and duration of smoking were identified as the most significant variables. 

Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Risk factors.


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