Title: Prophylactic versus Therapeutic Amnioinfusion for Oligohydramnios in Labour

Author: Dr Rounak

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i10.06



  • Amnioinfusion was introduced by Miyazaki and Taylor (1983) who infused saline through an intrauterine pressure catheter in labouring women who had either variable or prolonged decelerations attributed to cord entrapment. 
  • Oligohydramnios is defined as where liquor amnii deficient in amount to the extent of less than 200ml at term.
  • Sonographically , it is defined when the maximum vertical pocket of liquor is less than 2cm  or Amniotic fluid Index (AFI)  is less than 5cm . AFI between 5-8 cm is borderline oligohydraminos.
  • Adequate amount of amniotic fluid is required for good outcome of labour and this is attributed to mechanical cushions of umbilical cord.
  • Based on many reports, transvaginal amnioinfusion  has been extended to there clinical areas (Dad,2016).


  1. Miyazati FS. Taylor NA: Saline amnioinfusion for relief of variable or prolonged decelerations . Am J Obster Gynacol 146.670. 1983
  2. Hofmeyr GJ, Lawrie, TA: Amnioinfusion for potential or suspected umbilical cord compression in labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev J: CD000013,2012
  3. Hofmeyr GJ, Xu H, EKe AC: Amnioinfusion for meconium stained liquor in labour, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1: CD000014,2014
  4. Macri CJ, Schrimmer DB, Leung A, et al : Prophylactic amnioinfusion improves outcome of pregnancy complicated by thick meconium and Oligohydraminos. Am J Obstet Gynecol 167:117,1992.
  5. Miyazaki FS, Nevarez F: Saline infusion for relief of variable decelerations. Am J Obster Gynecol153:301, 1985
  6. Owen J , Henson BV, Hauth JC : A randomized study of saline solution amnioinfusion. Am J Obstet Gynecol 162:1146, 1990

Corresponding Author

Dr Rounak, PGT

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, KMCH