Title: Cercariform Cells – A Clue to the Cytological Diagnosis of Urothelial Carcinoma Metastasis to an Unusual Site

Authors: Suryagayathri Venugopal, Cicy.P.J, Sankar. S

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i6.04


Cervical lymph node metastases of urothelial carcinoma are very rare and indicate widespread disease with poor prognosis. The presence of certain peculiar shaped malignant epithelial cells, termed as cercariform cells, are considered to be of diagnostic importance in the cytological diagnosis of metastatic urothelial carcinoma. These cells have a nucleated globular body and a unipolar nontapering cytoplasmic process. We report a case of ureteral urothelial carcinoma metastasis to left cervical lymph node which was diagnosed on cytology after a period of 3 years post surgery for the primary tumour.

Keywords: urothelial carcinoma, cervical lymph node, cercariform cells.


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Corresponding Author

Suryagayathri Venugopal

Kuttiyanippurath Illam, Nariyapuram P.O, Pathanamthitta District Pin: 689513