Title: The Extent to Which Diclofenac is used to Treat Fever Cases of Children and the Elderly in the Emergency Department of Governmental and Private Hospitals in Amman

Author: Jafar Mohammad Ahmad Yasin

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i12.01


This study was conducted to investigate the rate of usage of Diclofenac in the treatment of children and the elderly by doctors compared to other fever treatment drugs in the EDs of governmental and private hospitals in Amman- Jordan.

Procedures: A survey of 126 patients in the 12-60 age groups who attended to hospitals EDs to get treatment for fever cases and investigated the use of Diclofenac treatment in the treatment of these cases or other fever treatment drugs were used, from August 2021 to October 2021 in governmental and private hospitals in Amman- Jordan.

Results: In this study, the usage of Diclofenac in the treatment of fever cases was noticed at an rate of 89% compared to other fever treatment drugs in private hospitals, and of average of 38% compared to other fever treatment drugs in governmental hospitals, due to the financial expenses of the drug compared to other fever treatment drugs and the amount of quantities available for usage in the hospital itself.

Conclusion: The researcher recommends expanding the scope of the study sample to study and analyze a larger sample, which will lead to better access to Diclofenac and greater satisfaction scores than patients attending treatment in the emergency departments of these hospitals.


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Corresponding Author

Jafar Mohammad Ahmad Yasin

Accident and Emergency Medicine Specialist