Title: Case report of Encorporesis as a rare presenting symptom in Attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder in adolescent male

Authors: Dr Teeba Salwan Abbood, Dr Budoor Kahtan Al Shammari

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i11.12



Many studies have shown that behavioral problems are associated with defecation and voiding disorders, nevertheless few studies have looked directly at a link between a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and constipation or fecal incontinence.1

Keywords: ADHD, Encorporesis

Case Presentation

11 year old boy presented to our health Centre on October 2021 with mother who gave the details of his history as he was born in his home country via normal vaginal delivery with unremarkable perinatal history Up To Date vaccine record the mother raised a concern of recurrent balanitis.

Periodic balanitis was treated successfully with every visit which was as frequent as 3 times a year

Further digging into details of the history was the patient never achieved toilet training for the stool patient physical examination was unremarkable.

A journey of full investigation of his blood/stool/hormonal profile with unremarkable results

Further imaging revealed totally normal structure with no neurological insult or disorders.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Teeba Salwan Abbood

MBBS /Family Medicine Specialist

Primary Health Care, Doha, Qatar