Title: Histological Diagnosis of Vanishing Testis Syndrome (VTS) in an Atrophic Testis: A Case Report

Authors: Dr Rinku Susan Kurian, Dr Sankar S, Dr Saji Varghese

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v9i1.03


Vanishing testis syndrome(VTS)/Testicular regression syndrome(TRS) is a condition which is considered to be due to the subsequent atrophy and disappearance in fetal life of an initially normal testis.VTS constitutes only  5% of cryptorchidism cases as per literature.1 Histopathologically  it is characterized by the presence of rudimentary spermatic cord with absence of normal testicular structures like seminiferous tubules. Here we report a case of one and a half year old boy who presented with a non-palpable testis in left scrotum, which was noticed by the parents a few weeks after the birth of the baby. As the left sided testes did not descend even after 1 year of age, ultrasonography was done which revealed an undescended testes in the left distal inguinal canal. After surgical exploration, we received a specimen of atrophic testis with spermatic cord. Microscopy showed fibrocollagenous tissue with congested vessels, calcification, incomplete tubular elements and hemosiderin deposition with vasdeferens in one focus. Findings were consistant with diagnostic features of a vanishing testis. Theoretically, presence of testicular tissue in a testicular remanent (eg: TRS) has got a potential for malignant transformation. Therefore most of the surgeons prefer surgical exploration of atrophic testicular remnant and subsequent  histopathological confirmation.

Keywords: Vanishing testis syndrome,Testicular regression syndrome, atrophic testis, cryptorchidism


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rinku Susan Kurian

Junior Resident, Dept. of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Kottayam