Title: Incidental detection of malrotated ectopic kidney on bone scintigraphy in a patient with thyroid carcinoma

Authors: Mr. Adavala Jagadeesh, Dr Venkatesh Murthy K.S., Dr Harish, Dr Aisha, Mr. Nagaiah.H.J, Mrs. Rajini A.T, Mr. Mallikarjun, Ms. Shivamma

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i4.37



A 60-year-old male was suspected as a case of thyroid carcinoma. Tc99m-methylene diphosphate bone scintigraphy was performed for the assessment of skeletal metastasis but showed no abnormal skeletal tracer uptake. However, planar images showed absent left kidney in its original renal fossa and right kidney was in normal shape, size and its position. There was an abnormal tracer uptake close to the right kidney anteriorly and it was mimicking as bone metastasis in the S4 vertebra.

Tc99m DTPA scan was performed two days later to prove suspected left ectopic kidney. Renal scan showed malrotaed ectopic left kidney just close to the right kidney and its function found to be normal.

Keywords: Bone Scintigraphy, Tc99m DTPA Renal scan, Duel Head Gamma camera, Malrotaed ectopic Kidney.


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Corresponding Author

Mr. Adavala Jagadeesh

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore 560029, India