Title: Maternal factors Associated with Meconium Staining of Amniotic Fluid in Labour – A Case Control Study

Authors: Dr Anju SS, Dr Geetha M I, Dr Sreekumari R

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i10.132



Objective: Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) is a life threatening respiratory disease in infants born through meconium stained amniotic fluid (MSAF). The purpose of this study is to determine thematernal risk factors for thick MSAF in labour and thus to identify the fetus and new born at risk of  MAS and for possible early interventions.

Methods: Case Control study.

Results: Of the thick meconium stained amniotic fluidcases in labour 37.8% had induced labour. 31% belong to very poor socio economic status compared to 16% of control group. The maternal factors associated with thick MSAF were Hypertension  12.2%, fever in third trimester 10%,Bronchial asthma 10%, Diabetes  8%, and obstetric factors were Postdated Pregnancies 15%, Gestational hypertension 12.2%, Previous cesarean 8.9% , GDM 7.8%, Anemia 7.2%.

Conclusion: The maternal factors for MSAF according to the study were poor socio economic and educational status of mother. Maternal medical and obstetric factors like Hypertension, postdated pregnancies, Diabetes Mellitus, fever in 3rd trimester, Induction of Labour, Gestational Hypertension, Previous Cesarean, GDM, Anemia etc.

Keywords: Meconium stained amniotic fluid, Meconium aspiration syndrome, Abnormal doppler.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Geetha M I

Associate Professor, Dept.  of O &  G, SAT Hospital, Govt. Medical College, Trivandrum, India