Title: Cytomorphological study of Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath

Authors: Priya.R, Pavithra.R, Sarada.V

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i10.75



Giant cell tumors of tendon sheath is the second most common tumor of hand next to ganglion cyst, with high recurrence rate. They can occur at any age but are most commonly seen in 3rd to 5th decade with female predominance. The majority of cases are of unknown etiology, but the possible etiological factors include trauma, inflammation and neoplastic trigger. A diagnosis can be made with the help of imaging studies and fine needle aspiration cytology. Here we present a retrospective review of 25 cases of Giant cell tumors of tendon sheath (GCTTS), for which Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was performed. The image screening like X-rays and USG along with FNAC play an important role in preoperative diagnosis. The cellularity and giant cell population are seen to correlate with the duration of the swelling.

Keywords: Gaint cell tumor, tendon sheath, cytology.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Priya.R

Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Irungalur, Trichy, India