Title: Porcelain Laminate Veneer, Case Report

Author: Aldabeab, Khalid E.

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.13



Re-establishing a patient’s lost natural dental esthetics is among the important topics of today’s dentistry, in addition to function. Color, shape, and structural and position abnormalities of anterior teeth might lead to important esthetic problems for patients. Any restoration should be fabricated using mechanical, biological and aesthetic principles. PLVs have become the esthetic alternative to ceramic crowns and the traditional porcelain-fused-to-metal.

Case Report

A 40-year old male patient reported to our clinic with a chief complaint of discoloured, spacing of anterior teeth and wanted cosmetic rehabilitation for the same. A thorough case history of the patient was taken followed by diagnostic impression, mounting with face bow transfer and radiographs including OPG. After examination, The treatment objectives were to manage the discoloration and modify the contours of the teeth in most conservative method possible. Porcelain laminate veneers were planned on the six maxillary anterior teeth. Patient was informed about the existing condition, treatment procedure was explained and the consent was taken.

A well adapted, horizontally sectioned silicon matrix was made from the diagnostic cast which was later used as a reference for teeth reduction. A key element in success with PLV is carefully controlled but appropriate tooth preparation. 


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Corresponding Author

Aldabeab, Khalid E.

Consultant in Prosthodontics, KFMMC, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia