Title: A study on Pott’s Disease

Authors: Dr Rahmat Ali, MS (Ortho), Mch (Ortho), Dr Rajesh Kumar Paswan, MD (Radiodiagnosis)

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i4.125


Pott ’s Disease also known as tuberculosis spondylitis, is a infectious disease of the spine which is typically caused by an extra spinal infection. Pott‘s disease is a combination of osteomyelitis and arthritis which involve single multiple vertebrae. The typical site of involment is the anterior aspect of the vertebral body adjacent to the subchondral plate and occurs most frequently in the lower thoracic vertebrae. A possible effect of this disease is vertebral collapse and when this occurs interiorly, anterior wedging results, leading to kyphotic deformity of the spine. Other Possible effects can include, comperession fractures, spinal deformities and neurological insults, including paraplegia.

Keyword: Pott’s, vertebrae, Kyphosis, Clonus, Flaccid, PCR, Cold abscess.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rajesh Kumar Paswan, MD (Radiodiagnosis)

Consultant, Radiology Dept. Combined Distt. Hospital, Sant Kabir Nagar (U.P.), India