Title: Role of Microwave Diathermy in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Author: Aavrati Rastogi

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i3.181


Aim And Objective: The purpose of study was to evaluate the effectiveness of microwave diathermy and active exercises in management of TMJ disorders.

Method: In this study we include 60 patients in which 30 patients under therapeutic exercise interventions and manual therapy and other 30 were advised electrophysical therapy in which sittings of microwave diathermy were given in combination with therapeutic exercises and manual therapy.

Result: On evaluation we found that those patients who were advised only therapeutic exercise and manual therapy, the evidence were in support of exercise to reduce pain and to improve function and oral opening but slightly relief. Whereas on the other side those patients who were adviced active exercise manual therapy in combination with sitting of electrophysical modality microwave diathermy shows more improvement in functional and oral opening.

Conclusion: We can say combination therapy of exercise, manual therapy, and microwave diathermy shows good results in temporomandibular joint disorder.

Keywords: Electrophysical modalities, Manual therapy , Therapeutic exercises, Temporomandibular joint disorder.


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Corresponding Author

Aavrati Rastogi

BPT, MPT (Musculoskeletal) Tutor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, King George Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India