Title: Early Detection of Narrow hip Size through the Measurement of the right foot size of third Trimester Pregnant Women and the effects on Complexity of Labor Process

Authors: Sandra G.J. Tombokan, Atik Purwandari

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i2.97


Background: The narrow hip size of pregnant women is one of the factors that inhibits the normal labor process. The risk that may occur due to this issue is abnormalities in babies and even prenatal death.

Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of early detection of narrow hip size through the measurement of the right foot size of third-trimester pregnant women and determine its relationship with the complexity of labor process in Bahu Health Center in the Malalayang Subdistrict, Manado City.

Method: The type of research was analytical research with a cross-sectional study approach. The samples were selected by purposive sampling with criteria for third-trimester pregnant women. The obtained data were analyzed statistically using the chi-square test and the 2x2 table test was used for the diagnostic test.

Result: Results showed that the measurement of the right foot size of third-trimester pregnant women is a simple and effective way to detect narrow hip size risk factors with chi-square P-value of 0.000. The diagnostic test showed that 62.5% of respondents who had a risk of narrow hip size experienced complications in the labor process. On the other hand, 100% of respondents who did not have the risk of narrow hip size did not experience complications.

Conclusion: Early detection of narrow hip size through the measurement of the right foot size of third-trimester pregnant women is an effective way to predict if pregnant women will experience complexity in the labor process. This method is simple, easy, and important to be carried out in order to prepare the labor process in a safer way.

Keywords: Complexity, Hip size, Labor, Pregnant women.


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Sandra G.J. Tombokan

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