Title: Study on awareness of ocular occupational hazards among welders presenting to OPD of tertiary healthcare centre at Bhubaneshwar, Odisha

Authors; Dr Nirmala Nagaradagadde, Dr Sri Vaishnavi Mummidi, Dr Zahiruddin Khan, Dr Madhuhati Misra

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i1.177


Purpose: The aim was to study the awareness of ocular occupational hazards, safety measures and the use of these measures among the welders.

Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study of 150 welders. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire with open and close ended questions designed to collect data regarding their socio-demographic profile and work place details.

Observations: Of the 150 welders, majority (74.2%) are between ages 20 and 35. 89.3% welders in the sample space had an education below 10th standard. None of them had vocational training and all the skills were acquired while on job. More than half the welders (59.3%) reported that they were aware of the risk of ocular injuries but only about one-third of the welders (36%) believed that they need personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect their eyes while the rest feel that the risk of injury, though possible, is very rare- the PPE routinely available aren't appropriate for preventing eye injuries. It is observed that less than a fifth (18, 16.8%) used any sort of protective equipment. Almost all the welders who use PPE know regarding the risks of ocular injury.

Conclusion: As majority of welders are uneducated, it is important to find ways to create awareness about ocular hazards in welding industry, the reality of the risks and efficacy of PPE at hazard prevention. Delayed presentation to the OPD was due to ignorance of sequelae to injuries about which awareness has to raised. The PPE currently in use are not entirely sufficient to prevent the ocular hazards and hence need a redesign.

Keywords: Occupational hazards, ocular injuries, safety measures, personal protective equipment.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Sri Vaishnavi Mummidi

Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre