Title: Study of Clinical Profile of Blunt Abdominal Trauma at a Tertiary Health Care Centre in Central India

Authors: Dr Ajay Y. Joshi, Dr Ashwin Lazarus, Dr Dhawal Kirti Tiwari, Dr Upendra Singh

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i1.127



Objective: To Study of Blunt Trauma Abdomen in Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Indore, M.P. which is a leading tertiary care centre in Central India.

Method: All admitted patients of Blunt Abdominal Trauma were included in the study.

Total number of 53 patients were studied, available data was tabulated and statistically analysed by standard methods of percentages. The study was concluded by comparison of observations with other available data.

Conclusion: Majority of patients were young between the age of 10 to 30 years accounting for 54.71 % of the cases. Male Preponderance was seen accounting for 81.13% of the cases. Road traffic accidents were the most common cause of the injuries. In the present study 75.47% of the cases were the victims of road traffic accidents. Average duration of hospital stay was 14 days and median stay was 12 days.

Operative treatment was needed in 23 out of 53 (43.99%) with satisfactory outcome. Nine out of fifty three patients (16.98%) died due to their injuries or postoperative complications. Incidence and mortality of blunt abdominal trauma could be reduced by increasing the standards of road safety and awareness of safe driving.

Keywords: Blunt Abdominal, Trauma & Injury.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ashwin Lazarus

Senior Resident Department of Surgery, Index Medical College Hospital and Research, Centre, Indore (M.P.) India