Title: An Observational Study to Look for the Incidence of Postoperative Burst Abdomen in Patients of Anemia

Authors: Vinit Kumar Tiwari, Ashutosh Silodia, Munna Kalme

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i1.111



Background: Burst abdomen is a major post-operative complication encounterd by Surgeons routinely. Anemia is one of the known predisposing factors leading to burst abdomen which should be taken in consideration in order to prevent burst abdomen to some extent.

Aim: To evaluate the incidence of burst abdomen in patients of anemia undergoing emergency laprotomy for any surgical indications.

Method: The present study was conducted among 210 patients who underwent emergency laparotomy by midline incisions. All patients between 18 to 75 years were taken into account that underwent laprotomy. Predisposing factors especially anemia were recorded preoperatively contributing to burst abdomen.

Results: Out of 210 patients operated, 51 developed burst abdomen with a percentage of 24.28%.The frequency of burst abdomen was significantly higher in older age group as compared to younger. Anemia was found as a major risk factor in 31.7% of the patients developing burst abdomen who were anaemic preoperatively with majority of patients falling in moderate and severe anaemic groups.

Conclusion: Burst abdomen is a surgical emergency with high morbidity and mortality leading to a prolonged illness. Anemia is a major determinant predisposing to burst abdomen and sufficient amount of data has to be collected in order to address the disease burden.

Keywords: Burst abdomen, laprotomy, postoperative, anemia.


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Corresponding Author

Vinit Kumar Tiwari