Title: Estimation of serum uric acid in Pregnancy induced hypertension

Authors: Dr Kanchan Kumari, Dr Usha Kumari

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i1.96




Pregnancy induced Hypertension is defined as blood pressure more than or equal to 140/90mmHg with or without proteinuria (>300mg/24hrs) appearing after 20th week of gestation, but resolving after 12th week of parturation. Pregnancy induced hypertension is also defined as new onset proteinuria  (more than or equal to 300mg/24hrs)in hypertensive women who exhibit no proteinuria before 20th week of gestation. 

Gestational hypertension is diagnosed as whose blood pressure more than or equal to 140/90mmHg first-time during pregnancy  (20th week of gestation). 

Preeclampsia is hypertension more than or equal to 140/90mmHg accompanied by proteinuria more than 300mg /24hrs first time after 20th week of gestation and both resolving after with 12th week postpartum.

Eclampsia is defined as onset of convulsions in women with pregnancy induced hypertension.

Uric acid is end product of Purine metabolism by xanthine oxidase and other enzyme and is responsible for uric acid production coupled with production of free radicals superoxide (O2-), which contribute to oxidative stress on endothelial lining of arteries .These may contribute to development of gestational hypertension. 


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Corresponding Author

Dr Kanchan Kumari

Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Vardhmaan Institute of Medical Sciences, Pawapuri