Title: Glucose Estimation: The most suitable blood collection tube for glucose estimation

Authors: Hamdan Al-Hinai, Osama Al-Ghatreefy, Salim Al Jafari, Salim Al Hadabi, Dr Hassan Sadek

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i1.69



Introduction: Patient with high blood sugar depend on accurate diagnosis glucose estimation for correct diagnosis, therefore antiglycolysis are used in collection tube to stabilize the glucose level in the tube.

Methods: collecting articles from different databases that related to stability of glucose concentration in blood collection tubes. This study aimed to find out what is the best tube for glucose estimation.

Conclusion: The mixture tubes (venosafe, gluco EXACT and Glucomedic) show the best results for glucose stability and the second tube is the citrate tube.

Keywords: glucose estimation, antiglcolysis, anticoagulant, blood collection tube, NaF/KOx, citrate, Glucomedics.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Hassan Sadek

Medical Laboratory Sciences, Oman College of Health Sciences