Title: Histopathological Evaluation of Endometrial Biopsy Tissue of the Patients, Suffering From Primary Infertility, Attending In Tertiary Care Hospital, at Muzaffarpur, Bihar

Authors: Dr Manoj Kumar1, Dr Manoj Kumar, Dr O.P. Dwivedy, Dr Manju Geeta Mishra, Dr Satyendu Sagar

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i1.32



Objective: The aim of present study was to histopathological evaluation of endometrial tissue in the cases of primary infertility.

Material and Methods: A total of 92 female patients with 18 to 36 years of age group and 2-12 years of duration of infertility were attending in GOPD with the presenting complains of infertility, were included in the study. After detailed history, clinical examination and relevant investigation endometrial biopsy were taken. From all the patients’ informed consent were taken. Out of 92 patients 88 endometrial biopsy materials were taken and from 4 patient’s 4 curettage samples were collected. All the biopsy materials were fixed and send to our department for processing and histopathological evaluation. All the relevant data were noted.

Results: Out of 92 patients, maximum 42 (45.65%) patients were in the 21-25 years of age, followed by 28 (30.43%) patients was in 18-20 years of age. 40 (43.48%) patients comes after 2-3 years of durations  of infertility and 21 patients (22.83%) comes after 4-5 years of duration of marriage, only 2 (2.17%) moves after 12 years of marriage. Histopathological Finding of Endometrial Biopsy shows, 31 (33.69%) patients had Proliferative phase, 8 (8.69%) patients had irregular proliferative endometrium, 5 (5.43%) patients had simple hyperplasia, 32 (34.78%) patients  showed adequate secretory phase and 3 (3.26%) patients had tuberculous endometritis.

Conclusion: The purpose of investigating the infertile couple is to assess their chance of achieving pregnancy and to identify the factors amenable to treatment to clarify the causes of infertility, an impressive array of diagnostic tests are available to clinicians. Almost all functional disturbances involved in infertility result in morphological changes in the endometrium since hormone levels fluctuate depending upon various biorhythms, the histological examination of the endometrial biopsy is the most confirmatory tools for the diagnosis of infertility.

Keywords: Proliferative phase, Histopathological Finding, Endometrial Biopsy, infertility


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Corresponding Author

Dr O.P. Dwivedy

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Nalanda Medical College, Patna, India