Title: The Effects of Different Collimation size on signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of Wrist Joint Radiograph PA Projection

Authors: Anak Agung Aris Diartama, Ni Putu Rita Jeniyanthi, I Nyoman Wiradarma, Rachel Monica Deovania Moningka, Langkir Sapto Adi, I Wayan Angga Wirajaya, , I Kadek Sukadana

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i12.104


Background: The quality of radiographic image will significantly affect diagnose. One of the factors used to evaluate  digital image quality is signal to noise ratio (SNR)[1]. The use of excessive radiation field or collimation in radiological examination should be avoided in order to reduce the radiation dose[2]. Additionally, excessive collimation may increase scattered radiation, degrading the image quality[1]. In previous observations in practice, radiological examination of wrist joint often use large area radiation field. This study aims to determine the effect of the different size of collimation on ​​the Signal to Noise Ratio of Wrist Joint examination

Purpose: To assess the effects of different collimationsize on SNR of wrist joint examination PA projection.

Method: This is quantitative studywith experimental approach, conducted atthe ATRO Bali laboratory. Wrist radiographs were acquired from 6 volunteers. The SNRof each radiograph was calculated with paired T-test on SPSS statistical software.

Result: The data was normally distributed(p> 0.05),therefore paired-T testwas performed, resulting inp <0.05, which means that there is a significant differenceof SNR in different collimation size of18x24 cm and 9x12 cm. The mean SNR value of the smaller collimation(9x12 cm)was higher than the larger size (18x24 cm).

Conclussion: There is a significant difference in the SNR value in different collimation size (18x24 cm and 9x12 cm), with smallercollimationsize resulted in a higher SNR.

Keywords: Collimation size, SNR, wrist joint radiograph.


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Anak Agung Aris Diartama

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