Title: To study the effect of Suboccipital Muscle Inhibition and Neural Flossing Techniques on Hamstring Flexibility in Young Adults

Authors: Dr Rasika Panse, Dr Ujwal Yeole, Shubhada Trivedi, Dr Pournima Pawar

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i11.148


Background: Prolonged forward bend sitting posture puts strain on hamstring leading to decreased flexibility. Hamstrings and suboccipital muscles are connected by one neural system. Abnormal lower extremity neuro-dynamics may alter resting muscle length and changes in the perception of stretch or pain. As neural flossing technique alter such sensation and improve hamstring flexibility. Hence in this study we aim to study the combined effect of suboccipital muscle inhibition and neural flossing technique on hamstring flexibility in young adults.

Objectives: To study combined effect of suboccipital muscle inhibition and neural flossing technique on  flexibility of hamstring pre and post intervention using modified sit and reach test and active knee extension test and pain using NPRS.

Materials and Methodology: A study with Pre Post experimental design included 100 volunteers according to inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected by simple random sampling method. Intervention in form of suboccipital inhibition and neural flossing techniques was given thrice a week for period of 2 weeks. Data was documented on 1st, 3rd and 7th day of each week. Pre and post intervention hamstring flexibility was assessed.

Results: Comparison of pre and post intervention data was done, results showed the p-value was <0.001 which was extremely significant.

Conclusion: Hamstring tightness and stretch pain reduced significantly when combination of suboccipital muscle inhibition and neural flossing technique was given in young adults.

Keywords: Hamstring flexibility, SMI (sub-occipital muscle inhibition), NFT (neural flossing technique), SRT (sit and reach test), Active knee extension test, NPRS (Numeric pain rating scale).


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rasika Panse

Mobile no -9689362993, Email: panserasika09gmail.com