Title: Association between Protein Diet and Kidney Function Indicators in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus

Authors: Dr Pankaj Bhushan, MD (Biochemistry), Dr Usha Kumari DGO, MD (Biochemistry), Dr (Prof.) U.S. Choudhary MD (Biochemistry)

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.222



Role of diet is very important in normal  person as well as patients  with diabetes mellitus particularly type 2 DM. Vegetarian protein diet have no damaging effect on kidney functions indicators while non-vegetarian diet directly or indirectly related to the damaging effect on the kidney function indicators of type-2 DM. This association is significant in many studies.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Pankaj Bhushan, MD (Biochemistry)

Tutor, Department of Biochemistry, J.L.N. M.C.& H, Bhagalpur