Title: Role of Neurosonogram in Evaluation of Brain Injuries in Preterm Babies

Authors: Dr D.Anbukumar, Dr Adaikappan.M

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.198


Background and Objectives: Neuro developmental abnormalities was very common in premature neonates due to incomplete development of the central nervous system. Neurosonogram is a sensitive tool for detecting these abnormalities earlier. Hence, this study was done to identify various cerebral lesions in the preterm babies.

Methods: A total of 50 preterm babies, referred to Department of Radio diagnosis for cranial ultrasonography were included in the study.

Results: Among 50 babies, 39 (78%) showed normal study and remaining 11 (22%) showed abnormal scan of which Subependymal/ Intraventricular haemorrhage (SEH/IVH) 16% was very common and Periventricular echogenicity (PVE) 6 %.

Conclusion: Neurosonogram is cost effective, non-invasive, non-ionizing and helps in early detection of various cerebral lesions.

Keywords: preterm babies; SEH/IVH; periventricular leukomalacia; perventricular cystic changes.


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Corresponding Author

Dr D.Anbukumar

Resident, Department of Radio Diagnosis, Rajah Muthiah Medical College & Hospital, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram