Title: The Relationship of Pregnant Women Knowledge on Iron Deficiency and The Role of Family in Boosting Compliance toward Consuming Ferrum Tablets

Authors: Haryadi, Asmarita Jasda

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i10.71


Background: Increased energy and nutrients are needed for the growth and development of the fetus. If the levels of iron in the body of pregnant women are less, then there will be a condition called anemia.The purpose of this study is to determine the knowledge of pregnant women about iron deficiency anemia and family role with compliance in consuming iron tablet in the health center.

Methods: This study was quantitative research with cross-sectional study subjects to 40 (forty)  mothers who have antenatal and get a Fe tablet in Tanjungpinang health center. The data analysis process uses univariate and bivariate analysis.Data analysis was carried out with the help of a computer using SPSS with a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05).

Result: The result of this study indicated no correlation between knowledge of pregnant women about iron deficiency with compliance of consuming iron tablets. However,  there is a relationship between the family role in monitoring drinking iron tablet with the agreement of drinking iron tablet.

Conclusion: The pregnant women are expected to consume Fe tablets regularly for consuming the pills can prevent the suffering from anemia during pregnancy that may harm a fetus conceived.

Keyword: Pregnant Women, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Family Role, Iron Tablet.


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