Title: Nurses' Performance Improvement Model in Hospital of Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu, Indonesia

Authors: Mardiani, Hermansyah, Yushananta P

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.145


Background: In general, nurses in government hospitals show less performance compared to performance in private hospitals. The study aimed to identify the intervention model to improve the performance of the nurses and their influence on the performance of nurses and the quality of services in the inpatient ward.

Methods: The study uses an action research approach through three stages of research. The sample is the implementing nurse and the patient in the inpatient room with cluster sampling technique, while the sample to determine the effect of the intervention model on improving the quality of service is done by following sampling technique. The study was conducted in six inpatient rooms of Dr. M. Yunus Hospital Bengkulu, Indonesia for 2 months. Data collection applied observation guidelines and analyzed quantitatively with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, and the Mann Whitney test at α 5%.

Result: The results showed that the average score of all sub-variables of the performance of the nursing process, communication, organizing, advocacy, adherence to the nursing code of ethics showed a significant difference before and after the intervention model of nurses' performance improvement (p = 0,000). Also, there were differences significant mean score of performance between before and after being given intervention.

Conclusion: Hospital of Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu is expected to require every head of the room to apply o an intervention model of performance improvement in the inpatient room.

Keyword: Performance Improvement Model, Implementing Nurse, Hospital Inpatient Room.


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