Title: Significance of Troponin I and Microalbuminuria in Acute Myocardial Infarction

Authors: Dr Harpreet Kaur, Dr Tejinder Singh, Dr Rajinderpal Singh

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i7.86


Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes coronary artery disease (CAD), myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension and peripheral artery disease .The mortality by acute myocardial infarction is approximately by 30%. In year 2009, approximately1 of every 25 patients die in the first year of acute MI and the survival is markedly reduced in elderly patients over the age of 75.Troponin I is contractile protein found solely myocardium. It is highly tissue specific and persists in circulation for days. Microalbuminuria is associated independently with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We aim to examine the relation of Troponin I and microalbuminuria in acute MI.

Aim: To estimate the level of Troponin I and Microalbuminuria along with their correlation in patients of acute myocardial infarction.

Material and Method: This hospital-based study was conducted on 50 diagnosed acute MI patients and 20 serves as age and gender matched controls. Blood sample was take in plain vial and Troponin I test was done on CTK Biotech cassette, CA(USA), whereas urine sample was taken in  sterilized urine container and test for microalbuminuria was done by ELISA. Results were collected and analyses statically.

Result: Out of 50 patients Troponin I was positive in 47 and negative in 3. All the 20 controls were negative for Troponin I. The mean value of micro albuminuria in cases group and control group were 254.39±163.48 µgm/ml and 11.1± 3.94 µgm/ml respectively with p value of <0.001. On comparing both parameters with each other we find that out of 20 patients of control group, troponin I and microalbuminuria were in normal range of all cases. In study group, troponin I was positive in 47 cases and negative in 3 cases and microalbuminuria was raised (>25ug/ml) in 38 cases and within normal range (<25ug/ml) in 12 cases. This shows that serum Troponin I and micro albuminuria shows statically significant association.

Conclusion: It is concluded that when the role of cardiac troponin I is compared with microalbuminuria in the evaluation of acute myocardial infraction, both are equally recommended for the early prediction, diagnoses and prognosis of the AMI.

Keywords: Troponin I, Micro albuminuria, Myocardial Infarction.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Tejinder Singh

Senior Resident, Department of Biochemistry

Government Medical College, Amritsar