Title: A Study on Low Back Pain and Fragility Fractures in Elderly Females Along with Its Risk Factors

Authors: Rajinder Pal Singal, Samita Singal

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.133


Objectives: Skeletal disorder recognised by a reduction in bone mass with accompanying micro architectural damage that increases chances of bone fracture as osteoporosis .This study evaluated the osteoporosis as a causative factor for low back pain and fragility fractures in elderly postmenopausal  females of rural India and its risk factors.

Materials and Methods: About 50 patients who presented with complaint of low back pain in our OPD were studied and subjected to radiological investigations.

Results: The age includes was in the range of 25-80 years. out of these 37 were females and 13 were males.The number of patients with significant past medical or surgical history was 31 %( n=17). The anthropometric characteristics of the studied group included weight, height and BMI in kg/m2 which was 18.23, 19.06 in males and 17.343, 19.42.

Conclusion: In postmenopausal females low backache is highly prevalent and is a major factor for low back pain and fragility fractures in this age group.

Keywords: Osteoporosis, Fracture, Low back pain.


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Corresponding Author

Samita Singal

Dept of Radiology, MMIMSR, Mullana Ambala, Haryana, India

Mb No – 9996640686