Title: A Study on Patients with Pathological Low Back Pain to Prove Clinical Benefits of Homeopathy

Author: Subhadra K T

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i5.170


Homoeopathy is simple, gentle and cost effective system of therapeutics and is holistic, totalistic and individualistic in its approach. The most outstanding criticism about Homoeopathy is that it is nothing more than a placebo. The second criticism worth mentioning is that the system of homoeopathy has no scientific basis. Aim of this study is to prove or disprove the accusations that the homoeopathic medicines are nothing but placebo by studying the effect of homoeopathic remedies, placebo and homoeopathic medicines combined with placebo on pain, anxiety, depression and well being of patients with pathological low back pain. Total of 218 patients who reported at least one of the signs positive based on the physical examination checklist were randomly selected and included under the category of pathological low back pain. The patients were further classified into three groups based on the type of intervention used as – group I receiving homoeopathic medicines, group II receiving placebo and group III receiving homoeopathic medicines combined with placebo. The completed inventories were scored as per the manuals. The mean values show that the category which received homoeopathic medicines alone had a better reduction in the pain, anxiety and depression whereas improvement in well being followed by the category which received the combination. The category which received placebo alone had only a minimal decrease. The findings imply that homoeopathic medicine given alone is an effective therapy in managing pain of patients with pathological low back pain where there is a clear medical indication.

Keywords: Pathological low back pain, homoeopathic remedies, placebo, anxiety, depression, well being.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Subhadra K T

Associate Professor, Department of Materia Medica,

Dr. Padiar Memorial Homeopathic Medical College,

Chottanikara, Thrippunithura, Kerala, India

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