Title: A Current Trend in the Scenario of Major Joint Disorder of Ayurveda PAKSHAGHATA (HEMIPLEGIA)

Author: Lilabati Mishra

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i5.139



Pakshaghat is considered as a Vatavyadhi by Brihat trayee and Laghu trayee. Kashyapa is the Laghu trayee. Kashyapa is the only authority mentioned it among the “Asheethi Vathika Rogas”

Sushrutha’s Samprapthi narrates that there are associated doshas, but Vata is considered as the Principle dosha responsible for the consalion of the disease.

Specific causative factors are not stated for Pakshaghat. As such the general Vatavyadhi nidanas and Vata Prakopa karanas are to be considered as Nidan factors. However a specific Nidan has been mentioned for Pakshaghat is Kashay Ras Adhika Sevans


  1. Charaka Samhita Vimana Stana & Chikitsastana & Chukrapani Commentary.
  2. Sushrutha Samhita Sutra Stana & Nidana Starm.
  3. Yoga Ratnakara.
  4. A shanga Somgraha Sarira Stana.
  5. Bhava Prakasha Madhyama Khomda.
  6. Ayurveda Chikitsa Vigyan Vatalyadlni.
  7. The principles and praltice of Kayachikitsa (Dr. S. Suresh Babu)
  8. Pancharma Ayurveda Chikitsa Vigyana
  9. Vatalyadhi (Krushtachamlra Tripatty)
  10. Shahashra smzuti & Anuthuti (Rames Das)

Corresponding Author

Lilabati Mishra
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