Title: Differences of Effectiveness of Povidone-Iodine and Binahong Leaf Stew Water on the Healing of Perineal Laceration in Postpartum Mothers

Authors: Risneni, Riyanti Imron

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i5.96


Background: Based on the health and demographic survey in Indonesia, 57% of maternity women experienced rupture and surgical suture on their perineum. Efforts have been made to prevent perineal laceration by pharmacologic therapy using iodine and non pharmacologic therapy in the form of a binahong leaf. The results of early pre survey showed that there were 18 people who experienced rupture in 30 maternity women. The average duration of perineal wound healing was more than 10 days.

The Objective: The purpose of this research was to know the difference of effectiveness of povidone-iodine and binahong leaf stew water on the healing of perineal laceration in postpartum mother in the community empowerment working area of Lampung Selatan district health office of Indonesia in 2017.

Method: This study used true experimental post-test only design. The population in this study was all postpartum mothers who experienced perineal laceration community empowerment working area of Lampung Selatan district health office. Samples taken were 80 respondents which were divided into 2 groups with different interventions. Forty respondents were treated with povidone-iodine and 40 respondents were treated with binahong leaf stew water. Primary data was collected with 3 times of observation. Data analysis was done using independent T-test.

Result: The results of this study showed that95% of postpartum mothers who were given laceration treatment with povidone-iodine required longest wound healing for more than 7 days with an average healing time of 8 days, while 50% of respondents treated with binahong leaf stew water required 5 days in wound healing. The average duration of healing using binahong leaf was 5 days.

Conclusions: Based on the result of a statistical test using T-Test, it was concluded that there was a significant difference between perineal wound healing by using povidone-iodineand binahong leaf stew water.

Keywords: binahong leaves, perineal laceration, postpartum mother, povidone-iodine.


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