Title: The Effect of Counseling on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Conducting HIV/AIDS Examination among Commercial Sex Workers

Authors: Suparmi, Ulfa Musdalifah, Sumiyati, Puji Hastuti, Anita Widiastuti

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i4.138


Background: HIV (Human Immune-deficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). AIDS is a symptom of diminished capacity defense caused by immune deficiency caused by HIV. In Central Java, Indonesia, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS cases is high enough in 2014 ( more than 500 HIV cases and 400 AIDS cases where the second most abundant group is found in Banyumas Regency due to the availability of prostitution complex in this area.
Objective: The study aimed to determine the effect of education on knowledge, attitude, and practice of commercial sex workers to conduct HIV / AIDS test.
Methods: This is a quasi-experimental research design using one group pretest and posttest. The population and the sample were 92 respondents applying total sampling using a questionnaire and checklist. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon and Nemar test.
Results: There are differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practices among commercial sex workers to conduct HIV / AIDS test before and after counseling.
Conclusion: Counseling is essential to be provided to the prostitutes in the order they know if they have HIV/AIDS that they take preemptive action before the disease spread further.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, counseling, knowledge, attitudes, practices, prostitutes.


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