Title: The Effectiveness of Citrus Hystrix Leaf Extracts on the Application of Electrical Mat in Killing Mosquito Culex sp.

Authors: Cecep Dani Sucipto, Kadar Kuswandi, Budi Siswanto, Dewi Indah Sari, Asep Tata Gunawan

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i4.105


Background: The most effective and accessible vector control in the community is the use of insecticides. The purpose of pesticides aims to kill vectors to break the chain of dengue fever transmission. However, poisons circulating in the community are still chemical insecticides. Chemical vector control is more widely used for easiness and practical reasons. The content of chemicals contained in synthetic chemical pesticides may interfere human health, contaminate the environment, and have a carcinogenic effect. Efforts to avoid the negative impact of the use of anti-mosquito material can be made by using natural insecticide materials that are relatively environmentally friendly, i.e., the leaves of Citrus hytrix.

The Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of various concentration of Citrus hytrix leaf extract on electrical mat applications in killing mosquito Culex sp.

Method: The type of the research was experimental with one group post-test design with control where the treatment group was Culex sp mosquitos exposed to Citrus hytrix leaf extract on the application of electric mat with different concentration variations. The deadly effects on Culex sp adult mosquito were observed and compared to the control group afterward.

Results: The results of the test showed there was a significant difference of mosquito mortality rate in each concentration of Citrus hytrix leaf extract. The result of the post hoc test showed that the difference of tested concentrations levels gave significant mean difference effect to the mortality of mosquito.

Conclusion: It was obtained that the average mortality of mosquitoes increased by the increased concentration given and there was a significant difference of mosquito mortality in each level of Citrus hytrix leaf extract.

Keywords: Citrus hystrix, Culex sp., Electrical mat, Leaf extract, Mosquito.


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Corresponding Author

Cecep Dani Sucipto

Minister of Health Polytechnic, Banten, Indonesia

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