Title: A Comparative Study of Results of Transfixation Screw and Loop Fixation for Coracoclavicular Stabilisation in Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation

Authors: Dr Rahul Mandal, Dr Atul Uttamrao Tat

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i4.67


Introduction: Transfixation screw and loop fixation with mersilene tape and endobutton both are well established surgical methods for management of acute AC joint injuries.

Materials and Methods: Patients meeting inclusion criteria between June,2013 to June,2015 were operated and followed up subsequently.

Result: Out of 26 patients 1 was lost to follow up and 1 excluded for not meeting inclusion criteria. Eventually, our sample size became 24 out of which Transfixation group and Loop fixation group compromised 12 patients each.

Conclusion: All of our patients reported satisfactory outcomes regardless the procedure adopted. Younger age group and non-meniscal injury group shows better outcome.

Keywords: Acute AC joint injuries, Transfixation screw, Loop fixation with mersilene tape and endobutton.


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Dr Rahul Mandal

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