Title: Assessing the validity and reliability of a questionnaire to identify existence of parental neglect in terms of developing  feeding style  and social activity in obese adult saudi population

Authors: Khurshid A Mattoo, Mohd. Moaleem, Mosa Shubayr

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i4.62


This study aimed to validate a questionnaire that was formulated to identify existence of parental neglect in regard to the feeding style and social activity in their overweight or obese children. The questionnaire is the result of three different surveys done over a period of time (prepilot, pilot and actual study). For negligence of  feeding style, six domains were identified [responsibility, perception (5 item), feeding control (4 item), feeding culture (3 item), feeding, environment (6 item), feeding, monitoring (5 item) and feeding restrictions (5 items)] while social activity had a 9 item question. Validity was assessed and evaluated using average  congruency percentage during the pilot study while before the actual study the I-CVI for items and for scale were determined. The content validity index for the item and for the scale were excellent with values ranging between 0.83 to 1. Internal reliability for individual questions (crohnbach alpha value of .734 to .915)  and of each domain in relation to all questions and the negligence scale demonstrated excellent reliability.

Keywords: child maltreatment, research tools,index, measuring scale, child protection.


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Khurshid A Mattoo

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