Title: Clinical Study of Fistula in Ano

Authors: Dr Sreenivasa. P, Dr Arun Kumar Vasa, Dr Harish Tirmal

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.183


Fistula in ano forms a good majority of treatable benign lesions of the rectum and anal canal. 90% or so of these cases are as a result of cryptoglandular infections. As such, the vast majority of these infections are acute and significant majority is contributed by chronic, low grade infections, hence pointing to varying aetiologies. The common pathogenesis however is the bursting of an acute or inadequately treated ano rectal abscess into the peri-anal skin. Most of these fistulae are easy to diagnose with a good source of light, a proctoscope, and a meticulous digital rectal examination despite the ease of diagnosis, establishing a cure is problematic on two accounts. Firstly, many patients tend to let their ailment nag them rather than being subject to examination, mostly owing to the site of affection of the disease. The more important second factor is that a significant percent of these diseases persist or recur when the right modality of the surgery is not adopted or when the post operative care is inadequate.

The need for this study is to evaluate the various approaches in surgical techniques as directed by the nature of the fistula and its etiology along with a combination of medical management as deemed appropriate and to hence have a comprehensive over view and understanding of this surgical condition.

  1. To study the incidence of various aetiologies of fistulae occurring in the ano-rectal
  2. To study the different modes of clinical presentation of these fistulae in
  3. To study the efficacy of different modalities of surgical approach with reference to persistence/recurrence of fistulae and sphincteric incontinence following surgery.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Arun Kumar Vasa

Dept of General Surgery, MNR Medical College and Hospital, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy

Telangana, Pin: 502001, India

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