Title: Clinicopathological Study of Mass in Right Iliac Fossa

Authors: Dr Amarendra Prasad N, Dr Ashwini Dutt Awaru, Dr Akhilesh Reddy Thumma

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.119


The present study was done to know the various diseases which can present with mass in the right iliac fossa and also to study the modes of investigations available to diagnose various types of mass in right iliac fossa and also the various modes of management including complications.

Majority of the cases were related to the appendicular pathology 4 8 % either in the form of appendicular mass or abscess. Majority of patients were in 3rd and 4thdecade of life. Most of the times it was people from low socioeconomic status who came with mass in right iliac fossa. Ultrasonography of the abdomen was the main mode of investigation. Almost all the cases were managed surgically and it was found to be effective. Post operative complications included wound infection, were managed appropriately. The overall hospital mortality was 12%.

Appendicular pathology was the commonest cause of mass in right iliac fossa.

Almost all cases of appendicular abscess were managed surgically and it was found to be effective. Cases of appendicular mass were managed conservatively followed by appendicectomy 6 weeks later. Majority of patients with iliocaecal TB were managed conservatively on ATT and those with obstructive features were operated and then received ATT post operatively. Main stay of treatment for ca caecum was surgery.

Keywords: RIF Mass, right iliac fossa, Ileoceacal TB, Appendicectomy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ashwini Dutt Awaru

MNR Medical College and Hospital,

Fasalwadi, Sangareddy, Telangana Pin: 502001