Title: A Cross Sectional Study on X-Ray Pattern of Patients of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Tripura

Authors: Somnath Das, Sukanta Sen, Ankita Debnath, Pritha Das, Sumitra Basuthakur, Prabir Kumar Saha, Chinmoy Biswas

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.88


Background: Diabetes prevalence has increased worldwide as a result of population ageing, urbanisation, changes in diet and reduced physical activity patterns resulting in increasing obesity.  The prevalence of TB-DM is higher in low- and middle-income countries where TB and DM are most prevalent.

Methodology: In this cross sectional hospital based observational study, 60 X-rays has been studied who had pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus both.

Results: The X-ray pattern of TB patients who are suffering from diabetes mellitus are cavitary lesion 25(41.66%), infiltration in 15(25%), consolidation 11 (18.3%), non-homogenous opacity found in 8(13.3%) and miliary shadow found in 1(1.6%) patients. 20(33%) patients had the X-Ray abnormality involving only single zone. About 15(25%) patients had abnormality in 2 zone. Nine (15%) patients had x-ray abnormality in 3 zones. Four (6.6%) patients had abnormal x-ray in 4 zones. Eight patients had bilateral extensive involvement of lung affecting all six zones. The involvement of lung by cavity was more significantly associated with the young group (<50 years) compare to the elderly age group (p value <0.001). The non-homogenous opacity was significantly found in younger age group (p= 0.05). However, infiltration (p=0.08), consolidation (p=0.18) and miliary TB (p=0.43) was not significantly associated with any age group.

Conclusion: In this study it is found that there is a significant association between the elderly age group patients and the development of lower lung field tuberculosis (p<0.001).

Keywords: Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Diabetes Mellitus, X-ray pattern.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Sukanta Sen

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology,

ICARE Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Haldia, West Bengal 721645

Ph: +91- 8420532336 (M), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.