Title: A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Perineal Care among the Post Natal Mothers in Selected Hospitals of Pune City

Authors: Mrs. Manisha Gadade, Mr. Dere Sujit, Ms. Merlin Philip, Mrs. Jadhav Priyanka, Ms. Aishwarya Chavan

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.174


A study titled “A study to assess the knowledge regarding Perineal care among postnatal mothers in selected Hospitals of Pune City” was conducted for the partial fulfillment of the Bachelor degree of nursing, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune during the year 2017-2018.

Postnatal care which also includes Perineal care is one of the most important maternal health-care services for not only prevention of impairment and disabilities but also in reduction of maternal mortality. Safe motherhood report also highlights that the majority of women in developing countries receive almost no postpartum care.

 The objective of the study was:

  1. To assess the knowledge regarding Perineal care among postnatal mothers.

A non experimental research design was adopted to conduct the study. A total of 100 samples was selected by using non probability purposive sampling technique was adopted to select the ward and mothers meeting the inclusion criteria .Study instrument was self structured questionnaire used by the researcher which consists of two parts:

Part 1: Demographic Data

Part 2:  Self structured questionnaire

The findings of the study revealed that 4% of postnatal mothers have poor knowledge regarding Perineal care, 76% of postnatal mothers have average knowledge regarding Perineal care and 20% of postnatal mothers have good knowledge regarding Perineal care. Overall result shows that postnatal mothers are having average knowledge regarding Perineal hygiene. 


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Corresponding Author

Mrs. Manisha Gadade

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of Nursing, Pune-43