Title: A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Mental Illness among Adolescent in Selected Areas of Pune City

Authors: Mrs. L. Sushila Devi, Mrs. Renuka S. Manure, Ms. Kanchan Devi, Ms. Oinam Chanchal Devi, Mr. Shubham Shrotriya

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.131


A study titled ‟A Study to Assess The Knowledge of Mental Illness Among Adolescent in the Selected Areas of Pune City.” was conducted for the partial fulfillment of the bachelor Degree of nursing, Bharati  Vidyapeeth  Deemend University, Pune during the year 2017-2018 .

The objective of the study was:

 1) To assess the knowledge of mental illness among adolescent (15-19)

2) To associate the finding with the demographic variables.

A non experimental research design was adopted to conduct the study. A total of 200 samples, age between 15-19 years were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Study instrument was self structured tool used by the researcher, consist of two parts.

Part 1: Demographic Data

Part 2:  Mental illness knowledge Assessment Tool.

The finding of the study revealed that 20.5 % of the adolescent have poor knowledge regarding mental illness. 10.5 % of the adolescent have good knowledge and 69 % of the adolescent have average knowledge regarding mental illness.

The studies concluded that the adolescent have average knowledge.


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Corresponding Author

Mrs. Renuka S. Manure

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of Nursing, Pune-43