Title: Clinical Profile of Anemia in SLE

Authors: Dr Shahul Hameed MM, Dr Rashmi KP

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.127


 SLE is a multisystem autoimmune disease with significant morbidity and mortality in women of young and child bearing age. The prognosis is still poor in certain ethnic groups like Indians and Hispanics as compared to the western population. Haematological abnormalities are one of the integral criteria for disease classification as specified by the American Rheumatic Association, yet there is a paucity of information regarding their temporal progression and impact on the course of the disease. This prospective study was carried out on forty five patients with SLE in the Department of General Medicine, Govt TD Medical College, Alappuzha with specific emphasis on anaemia and its correlation with the myriad presentations of SLE. The most common haematological abnormality detected in our study was Anaemia, with Iron deficiency Anaemia, Anaemia of Chronic Disease and Auto Immune Hemolytic Anaemia (IHA) being the most common subtypes. Further, Anaemia was significantly associated with Lupus Nephritis but not any other major organ involvement. No significant association was found between anaemia and serum creatinine, but a negative correlation was observed between the two, with higher creatinine values associated with lower haemoglobin levels. Appropriate treatment showed a significant improvement in Haemoglobin levels across all subtypes of anaemia.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rashmi KP

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dept of Medicine,

Govt T.D Medical College, Alappuzha