Title: To Study the Diastolic Dysfunction by Echocardiography in young  (<40 years) Type -2 Diabetics

Authors: Dr Janki Punekar, Dr Amit Anurag Singh, Dr Vipin Das P.S.

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.98


Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is a disease with multisystem complications. Heart failure is 2-5 times more common in diabetic patients than in non-diabetic population. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) represents the first stage of diabetic cardiomyopathy preceding systolic dysfunction of the heart. So it is important to examine the ventricular function in individuals with diabetes mellitus. The detection of LVDD has prognostic importance as early intervention can prevent development of systolic dysfunction and heart failure.

Aims and Objectives: To study the prevalence of diastolic dysfunction in young (<40 years) Type - 2 diabetic patients and to correlate the severity of LVDD with duration of diabetes and glycemic control (HbA1C).

Materials & Methods: This  study was carried out in department of medicine NSCB medical college and hospital ,Jabalpur (M. P) and included 50 cases and 50 controls

Results: There is a significant correlation between duration of diabetes and presence of LVDD (Chi square=13.19 and p=0.01).But there is no significant correlation between duration of diabetes and grade of LVDD(Chi square=0.64 and p=0.424). There is significant correlation between HbA1c and presence of LVDD (Chi square=14.14 and p=0.007). But there is no significant correlation between HbA1c and grade of LVDD (Chi square=0.830 and p=0.660)

Conclusion: The prevalence of LVDD in Young (<40 years) Type 2 Diabetics is 32%.As the duration of diabetes increases, there is an increase in the prevalence of LVDD (Chi square=13.19 and p=0.01). There is also a higher prevalence of LVDD in those who have higher HbA1c (Chi square=14.14 and p=0.007).It is suggested that all patients of Diabetes Mellitus should be routinely subjected to 2-D color Doppler echocardiographic assessment of cardiac functions. This has important therapeutic implications as early intervention can prevent development of systolic dysfunction and heart failure.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Vipin Das P.S.

RMO Medicine, N.S.C.B. Medical College and Hospital, Jabalpur (M.P.)