Title: Anticoagulant EDTA Induced Storage effect (Artifacts) on Peripheral Blood Cells

Author: Dr M.S. Koolwal

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.05


Aims & Objectives: The EDTA induced RBC & WBC morphological storage artifacts. Identify the EDTA induced   platelets related artifacts. Exclude the EDTA induced storage artifacts. Identify and exclude the misinterpretation of peripheral blood smears examination.

Material & Methods: Blood was collected in a sterile EDTA containing tube and processed following our established laboratory protocol. A complete blood counting including HB%, PCV, Red cell indices, platelet count and total white cell count and differential was done by Automated blood cell counter and peripheral blood smear examination then a sterile EDTA containing blood sample tube stored at room temperature. The all cell count indices including RBC, WBC count with differential along with morphological storage artifacts and platelet count with storages artifacts, was further confirmed by manual oil immersion smear study method. Peripheral smears study was done with field A and B stain and leishman stain.

Conclusion: EDTA cause the various storage artefacts encountered on peripheral blood smear  examination when smear prepared from prolong stored sterile EDTA containing blood sample tube at room temperature. EDTA cause RBC, WBC morphological artifacts and platelets related artifacts. These artifacts lead to various misinterpretation of peripheral blood smear examination so exclude them.

Keyword: Burr RBC, Nuclear lobe, Platelets aggregation.  


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Dr M.S.Koolwal

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