Title: A Study on Extended Spectrum Β -Lactamases in Coliforms

Authors: Dr Mini Palathingal Narayanan, Dr Lathi Nair

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i11.211


This study was done to detect extended spectrum β –lactamases (ESBL) in Coliforms from various clnical samples collected in the department of Microbiology laboratory ,Government Medical College Kozhikode. A total of 150 samples were tested for ESBL,100 were of found to bepositive by double disk synergy test;out of these 100 strains, E.coli were  55% and K.pneumonia were 45%.. Imipenem appears to be the drug of choice for serious infections confirmed to be caused by ESBLs.

Keywords: Double disk synergy test, Beta lactamases, Enterobacteriaceae.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Mini Palathingal Narayanan

Associate Professor in Microbiology,

Govt Medical College, Kozhikode