Title: An Incidental Finding of Enormous Number of Multiple Gall Stones in a Tertiary Setup in Western India

Authors: Dr Shirish Bhagvat, Dr Khushagra Rahul, Dr Ali Zaid Anwar, Dr Sudaiv Nagzarkar, Dr Jalbaji More, Dr Supriya Bhondve, Dr Saad Sheikh

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.166


In this case report we state the occurrence of 800 gall stone found in a single patient undergoing elective cholecystectomy. The largest number of the gallstone found in a single patient is 11970.the occurrence of gallstone is fairly common in a tropical country like India but the occurrence of multiple gall stone is comparatively rare.

Keywords: multiple gall stones.


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Dr Ali Zaid Anwar