Title: Developing the Integrated Health Service and Promotions Post for Non - Communicable Disease in Improving Cadres’ Skill, Knowledge, and Attitude of Community

Authors: Sri Noor Mintarsih, Setyo Prihatin, J Supadi

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.171


Background: The existence of an integrated health service and promotions post called Posbindu for Non - Communicable Disease in Indonesia has been since 2005. But not all Posbindu achievement is not in line with the expectations.

Objective: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of development Posbindu in improving the knowledge and skills of cadres and the knowledge and attitudes of society in Leyangan Health Center, District of  East Ungaran, Semarang regency, Indonesia.

Methods: The study design was a quasi non-randomized experiment with pre-post test group design. The number of samples was set on the base of compare means in two independent groups generating 31 cadres selected randomly for the control and the treatment group. The effectiveness of the training was measured by   comparing the results before and after the subjects experienced the treatment and t-test was employed. 

Results: There is a growing score of cadres’ knowledge (p = 0.003) and skills (p = 0.000) after given the training. The mean knowledge score (p = 0.034) and attitudes (p = 0.010) increased after nutritional counseling given by volunteers.

Conclusion: The training is effective in improving the knowledge and skills of cadres and efficient in improving knowledge and attitudes. The need for monitoring and evaluation of Posbindu activities regularly is necessary to Achieve the target.

Keywords: NCD, Integrated Health Service, Promotion Post, Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes.


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Sri Noor Mintarsih

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